I recently purchased a new HP Pavilion and am running Vista Home Premium. Since I no longer have access to Outlook Express, I'm trying out Windows
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das Eigenschaften-Men� von Font-Dateien; f�r �ltere Windows-Systeme (95, 98, ME .
The default font.. is so annoying, anyone know how to change it? I just got a new comp yesterday with vista installed. and it's hurting my eyes to read lol. I know there's a .
how do I change the default font for new Emails in windows vista default font Outlook 2007? I can change selected text font but not the default new mail font. I have changed the default font .
I recently purchased a new HP Pavilion and am running Vista Home Premium. Since I no longer have access to Outlook Express, I'm trying out Windows Live Hotmail�
Hello again folks: Question: is it possible windows vista default font to change the default font in Windows? Regards Powell -- PBL
Many people have expressed to me their dislike of the default ClearType font smoothing in Windows Vista, and asked for a way to change the settings to something better. You .
Default Font Size In Windows Mail how to permanently set a default font size in Windows Mail? My Windows Mail default font is 10 but I would prefer it to be 12.
I went to to advanced appearance settings and changed it, but now it looks too big and i don't know what the default was.
Is optimized for ClearType, which is on by default in Windows Vista. Segoe UI is less readable without ClearType enabled. Has the standard font size increased
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